How do you take your vitamins?

As Seen On:
Restore Pack
What’s Inside:
1-Iron, 1-Omega 3
Product Description
Iron Plus contains Iron Bisglycinate, a non-constipating, well-absorbed form of iron. Iron is an essential mineral for healthy red blood cell formation. C, Beta Carotene and Astaxanthin are added for enhanced absorbtion.*
Omega 3 Plus provides adequate amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids to support good nutrition and overall well-being, including healthy heart and brain function, as well as mood, cognition, and immunity.
- Helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Helps to maintain normal brain function.
- Helps reduce certain symptoms associated with PMS.
- Support protection of cells, eyesight, joint health, and immunity.
PatchMD products are Latex, Lactose., Gluten and Sugar-free
ALL PATCH ORDERS INCLUDE 30 PATCHES (30-DAY SUPPLY) and 100% Moneyback Guarantee
Iron Plus Multi Vitamin / Supplement Facts / Ingredients

Omega-3 / Supplement Facts / Ingredients